Matt Hampton

Courses Taught
Introduction to Economics
(Honors and Hybrid Format)
Fall 2020
Health Care Economics
Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
Spring 2018
Decision Analytics
Fall 2019, 2020,
Spring 2019, 2020
The Mathematics of Money
Summer 2017
Intermediate Microeconomics
Spring 2016, Spring 2017
I have experience teaching Principles of Macroeconomics (both in person and online), Principles of Microeconomics, Introduction to Economics (both Honors and Hybrid Format), Decision Analytics, Intermediate Microeconomics and Health Care Economics to undergraduate and graduate students at Austin Peay State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and the University of Alabama, as well as The Mathematics of Money to gifted teenagers at Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. Additionally, I have engaged in formal teacher training at Barnard College, Columbia University. Other courses that I would like to teach include Public Economics, Labor Economics, Game Theory, Applied Microeconometrics, Data Analytics, Public Finance, and Public Policy.